
Getting closer…

April 4, 2012

Diapering my babies was a pretty big discussion when preparing for my first son. Husband and I spent much time talking about it – my ideas for cloth and his argument against it. His biggest issues being cleanliness, rashes and hassle, my biggest being expense. In the end, I sneakily started cloth diapering one by one, a few diapers here, a few there and before he knew it we were mostly cloth at home.

With baby #2 due in a week, the discussion about diapering was null and void – he has seen the economic light. We are fully prepared, diapering drawer set up, all my fluff washed and prepped and ready to roll. But with this baby I wanted to try a new step in diapering – a more natural and handmade and hassle free (I hope!) – wool soakers.

I began knitting these early in pregnancy and have continued throughout as the months have passed. I used the Curly Purly Soaker Pattern and used 100% pure wool for all three of them. I enjoyed knitting them, the pattern was easy and pretty straight forward.  It made me learn to do short rows and learn to wrap stitches, always a good way to learn a new technique.

I found myself with a sleeping toddler and a bit of extra time this weekend and decided to lanolize my three newborn soakers. After some research and a bit of trepidation (which really there was no need for since it is SUCH an easy process!) I finished and hung them to dry. I was scared, I will be honest, that after knitting them I would find the washing process a hassle ( I am known to be a lazy person and laundry is NOT my forte!) but it took a total of ten minutes of active work time and the rest was sitting around waiting. No prob!

The process: I used 1/4 inch of Lansinoh Lanolin cream mixed in a mason jar with hot tap water and a half cap full of Eucalan wool wash. I shook the jar up to dissolve the cream and get the soap going, then poured it all into a little tub with some warm water – you want the water to be room temperature so it doesn’t felt or shock the wool. I soaked the soakers for 15 minutes then rolled in a towel to remove excess water and hung them on the crib to dry. That was it. So easy!

Now maybe I should start working the the next size up for this baby…

In these last weeks of pregnancy, as my belly swells bigger than ever imagined and my toddler pushes my patience to limits never before explored, I am finding some comfort in baking. My Mamama used to make this cake once in a while to have with our tea, a beautiful airy cloud like Orange Chiffon that was melt in your mouth good.

In Peru and at her house, we used to always have tea in the afternoons – sometimes just tea or cocoa with cake or a small sandwich, sometimes a slightly bigger meal with a scrambled egg or a bit of leftovers. Our larger meals were at lunch – usually a two or three course meal followed by a nice nap.

Today is a rainy, pouring day and as I cannot take my incredibly cranky toddler outside to play and as I am too big and cumbersome to do much besides sit and knit (more on this later!) I am finding my solace in baking. The beautiful cake is in the oven, and I am awaiting the sound of the oven timer impatiently to share this delight with my little one.